The Born to Draw Art Room
Welcome to the Virtual Art Room Sign up!
The Virtual Art Room Features Children’s Art Drawing Lessons on the Jigsaw meetings platform.
- The Born to Draw Program is Common Core Educational Standards aligned, bringing art education to the Common Core Subjects K-6th through iBook apps.
- Sign up for the School Year! $300 per semester for school campuses. Special Rates for Homeschool families. Please contact us for Home school rates. Parents and/or guardians must register Children Register Here online.
- Learn the basics of Internet safety form needed to register please download. Please fill out form, scan and then upload jpg of form on the Children’s Art gallery Submit a Drawing page. This form must be provided before links given to join virtual class. This is part of the Council for Better Business Bureaus, Inc. Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU’s) program.
- Students may log in for 40-minute session of 1 lesson a week or 3 times per week!
- One new lesson per week- 34 new lessons per school year
- Step-by-step iBook instruction based on shapes composed into representational images.
- All Lessons Podcasts/webcasts posted for 24/7 student review.
- Materials for the Born to Draw Kits -$85.00 allow 1-2 weeks for delivery optional
- Materials list provided for individual purchase
- Free Art Projects provided on website for Parents, Students and Teachers.
- Advanced Drawing Videos with website subscription for schools or sold separately.
- Art Room Gallery uploads of student work and loads more!
Interactive children’s art lessons with Elaine Cimino in the Born to Draw Art Room. Prerequisite: Children must know how to draw circles, squares, triangles and ovals.
25 students per class limit
Cost: per School Semester – school Campuses $300.00-plus taxes Special rates for homeschool students please contact.
When: USA Mountain Time Schedule Starting Wednesday September 18th, 2013
September‘13 to May‘14 Based on the School Year Calendar (Including holidays) Events schedule and links provided when registered.
Learn the basics of Internet safety

Born To Draw advocates Internet safety Please register with internet sign up form to be allowed into classroom.
Children use a variety of online services, and each of these services can have different safety concerns.
However, there are some basic tips, which you can employ no matter how your children use the Internet.
Please sign and submit the form with your registration Learn the basics of Internet safety
Protecting Children’s Privacy Under COPPA
The COPPA Rule and the Safe Harbor Rules Video Link to the FTC Site
This video outlines five key changes to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule that your business needs to know about. The revised rule expands who’s covered by COPPA, puts additional protections in place, and streamlines other procedures companies must follow. this is why the stringent guidelines must be followed to register your children or give your permission to collect an email and for your children to participate online in the virtual art room.
Free Trial Offer for Free Born To Draw Art Class Online –Sign up
To sign up for one free class please fill out the forms and you will receive a link to come to the event.
SCHEDULE and Online Registration.
Born to Draw Interactive Drawing Lessons using Traditional Materials
11:00 am Mountain Time
2 pm Mountain Time
6:30 pm Mountain Time
Sunday: 6:30pm Mountain Time
Materials the Born to Draw Kits
– $85.00 allow 1-2 weeks for delivery order online or you can buy them yourself locally.
Born to Draw Teacher Professional Development Virtual Classroom
Monday:TBA Special
Date and Time of Webinars Per School Sign Up and Schedule for Monday’s
Teacher training, Art projects and How-to-use Born to Draw iBooks in the Classroom or we offer an in-school training available in New Mexico and Texas!
Please contact Elaine Cimino for details